Friday Aug 03, 2018
Ep4 Johnny Redo
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Friday Aug 03, 2018
So in this one I got Johnny back on the Podcast. I swear I'm not running out of people to co-host. Some times you just got to do what you got to do. Is it worth listening to? probably not. Did I give it my all? f*** no. But I did it, and it's here. I heard that beer makes you fat! I refuse to believe that! How could something you chew make you fat?!!!!! Also croissant don't taste like they would make you fat. Too light. Bugers taste fattening, but a buger with a croissant bun........ maybe not so bad. smiley face. Do any of you know Queen Latifah? If so, tell her to listen. Who am I kidding? She wouldn't like this podcast. The only reason I like it is I love hearing myself talk. Even then, it gets old.Hi kevin. Kevin is my brother. I didn't capitalize the k in the first Kevin I wrote. As you can see, I'm not gonna fix it. No one reads the podcast descriptions. If you do, you're weird. Bye Kevin.
Friday Jul 20, 2018
ep3 Caleb and Lenny hate U2... so do I!!!!!!!!!
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
This is it! The subject that inspired this whole podcast, besides wanting to meet Queen Latifah, because last holiday was really, really good! Learn what really happened with my other podcast "hi Eduardo" aslo read this description to this episode. Here is my email, ready? got a pen? OKay. thingsihate.pod@gmail.com I never check it, so do what you want with that info. The last episode I did with johnny, the volume was way to low. Maybe I'm not good at this. I feel like there should be an emoji right there, but how the hell would I do that?!! Also which one would I use? This thing is taking forever to upload. I need more internets brb. Ok, I'm back. I kinda like editing, but I can see how it could get old. Turns out, I don't need internets for this part, I'm just doing it wrong. Smiley face. A little secret about me. I've never seen The Godfather. I wasn't allowed to watch it as a kid, then when I grew up all my friends didn't wanna watch it with me cause they've already seen it. Hey, it's done. So goodbye dog. p.s Alkaline water is good for heartburn.
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
ep2 Johnnnnnnnny Hates summer
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Sorry it's late, but you try doing a podcast with Johnny.
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Ep 1 Jack Hates customers!
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
I talk to Jack about things we hate, witch is CUSTOMERS. Sorry accidentally hit the caps lock. If you're still reading this, tell my wife i love her.